Let The Sun Shine Through
Casting a colorful, dancing reflection on the ground below, The 4 Kids’ Butterfly Canopy shelters you under the wings of a breathtaking butterfly, brightly colored and kissed by the sun. Our artistic team has created a canopy for the park, the backyard or even indoor playgrounds that recreates the beauty of one of nature’s loveliest creatures. Made from virtually indestructible polymer stained glass, infused with vibrant color, the wings of the Butterfly Canopy filter the light of the sun while protecting from harmful UV rays. Wings spread to offer shelter from the sun as well as a breezy break from activity on the playground, or to have a snack and just visit with your best friend, the Butterfly Canopy from The 4 Kids is a magical, sheltered world of beauty and fantasy. Let your imagination take flight, flittering along the lines and colors reflected by The 4 Kids’ Butterfly Canopy. This playground Butterfly Canopy will delight and engage children of all ages. Daydreams take flight for your little ones on the wings of a butterfly.
Flight of Fancy on Butterfly Wings
Do you have an idea for a superior quality Butterfly Canopy for your playground, park or backyard? Contact our team today for expert advice and support from start to finish.