Dramatic and captivating, these Blue Twisty Tower décor elements crafted by playground masters in the studios of The 4 Kids in Greenville, Texas, are an important way to set the stage for fun and adventure. Versatile for many uses, the possibilities are endless for these mesmerizing tower structures that lend themselves well as interactive play features. At the Mississippi Children’s Museum in Jackson, the towers are wired for sound to mesmerize and delight kids and adults alike who visit the center. The 4 Kids design team is made up of talented playground artists, designers and engineers who eagerly face the challenge of gathering the ideas of park planners, recreation facility directors and parent committees and turning them into beautifully crafted, well designed works of playground art. Children of all ages are thrilled by these towers, and adults are even more impressed by the fully customizable structures, constructed with glass fiber reinforced concrete, the smart concrete, which ensures durability and virtually no maintenance in all weather.
Click Here to see the Blue Twisted Towers at the Mississippi Children's Museum.
Material: Check Our Brochure for Material Options
Color: Custom colors available
Mounting Options: Bollard Mounting