Climb aboard the Pirate's Cove and shout Ahoy! No child will be bored when they climb onto this giant pirate ship. They will almost feel at sea with all of the activity. There are three levels of fun. Level one is the hull of the ship where you can climb in through the port holes of the bough or the stern. Climb up to level two on the anchor climber, the net climber, or stairs. Children can run around on deck, while their friends climb to level three to keep a watch out for sea monsters. They may spot an octopus or dolphin, and can slide down to warn their buddies. Call and speak to one of our friendly representatives to get a free quote.
This ship looks ready to set sail, and your children can imagine they're on the seven seas. When you're ready for the tales the sea will bring, give us a call. We'll be happy to help a fellow pirate.
Use Zone 41'6"L x 36'W