Romanesque and classically detailed, The 4 Kids sign display structure here is a super way for communicating with consumers at shopping malls, shrines, churches, schools and colleges, doctor’s offices or court houses, even historical museums and themed fun centers. The possibilities are endless for placement of this well-crafted work of signage art from the Texas studios of The 4 Kids, the nation’s foremost manufacturer of park and playground equipment. Featuring a stately colonial crown and a recessed text display, this eye-catching sign structure is sure to gain the attention of visitors to your venue, and the appreciation of your staff, who love the sturdy construction and low maintenance requirements. Versatile for inclusion anywhere, the sign structure’s glass fiber reinforced concrete finish resists damage from weather or exposure, even the salt spray from the sea or the desert heat. Always beautiful, The 4 Kids structure comes in 3, 4, 5 or 6 feet tall versions, with an option for mounting on an attractive brick base that adds another foot and 3 inches. Our designers customize to meet the specific needs of property owners, who are always delighted with the results.