Bobby Richardson Baseball Park - South Carolina Project / Projects

Sumter, South Carolina

Dedicated in Honor of…

  • Created two custom baseball bollards
  • Designed them with a personalized signature and quotes
  • Constructed the bollards to fit on a custom base


The City of Sumter contacted us with a request to create personalized baseball bollards. Their plan was to use these as dedication pieces for a retired baseball player in their community. Bobby Richardson played for the New York Yankees for over a decade. He won five golden gloves and earned the Lou Gehrig Memorial Award. 


Modeled from a baseball, brought from home, we crafted the replica using glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC), also known as smart-crete. It’s environmentally friendly and resistant to fire and the changing weather. We created two baseball bollards which included Mr. Richardson’s favorite bible verses. He also provided his personal signature, which we enlarged and applied to each bollard.


Both bollards now sit inside Palmetto Park, at the Bobby Richardson Baseball Park for all to see.

Next Step

How can The 4 Kids team make your project a success? From a single play structure to entre playscapes, we’ll transform your vision into reality. The initial consultation is free, so contact us – we can’t wait to see what you’re dreaming up!