The Challenge
We were contacted by general contractors working on a new project for the Abilene Christian University in Abilene, Texas. They were looking for a few pieces to add to their play area of their courtyard. Play sculptures appropriate for younger children that were nature-themed, fun and simple.
The children visiting the campus can enjoy playing on custom designed play sculptures fit for play. A large Galapagos Tortoise is one they can climb or sit upon and relax against while reading a story. The Brown Labrador sculpture rests peacefully while appearing to watch over them as they play. With the Colorful Frog, they can strengthen their muscles by playing leap frog.
The addition of custom play sculptures offer a safe place for kids to move, climb, jump, and imagine. With the long life of gfrc, families will be able to make lasting memories for many years to come. With the bright colors of the frog, textured back of the tortoise and Labrador, sight and touch lend to sensory play.
Next Step
Any color, any size, any texture…The 4 Kids will turn your themed playground idea into a reality. Contact our team for a free initial consultation –we’ll transform your museum, playground, or athletic facility into a place where visitors make memories.
To see the individual products used in this project, click on one of the links below: